Friday, February 21, 2020

Midterm Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Midterm - Assignment Example For this reason, as per the market research organization named as IDC (Burrows 28-34), the never ending diversity of mobile application development has facilitated iPhone to quickly gain 14% of the market share with comparing to 3.5% market share of Android. However, mobile application developers highlighted an issue with the pay they receive against their work, as they were not able to make money (Burrows 28-34). The reason for this issue is the freeware available on the Internet and the applications that are purchased are very few worth 99 cents or more. Few of the mobile application developers embedded advertisements in their application and gained benefits. Again, the scope of these advertisements was limited, resulting in less effective outcomes. In order to address these issues, Apple Inc. suggested several factors or ways employing user data and geo-location technology for making advertisement legitimate. For instance, if the user is surfing the web at lunchtime, he/she will s ee an advertisement on special deals for a restaurant nearest to the location (Burrows 28-34). In this way, the gadget, i.e., the iPhone capabilities, can also be utilized effectively. By taking this new approach forward, Apple Inc. recognized that there is a requirement of a network for advertisement agencies along with the technology for focusing and targeting specific advertisements to customer behavioral characteristics (Burrows 28-34). Similarly, by the end of 2009, Apple Inc. participated in the bidding for AdMob that is a leader in mobile advertisement sector (Shah and Shah 437-438). As a result, almost 50% advertisements were broadcasted on smartphones ended on Apple gadgets including iPhone and iPod touch, as iPod touch is also compatible to execute apple applications (Burrows 28-34). However, prior to complete the bid, Google Inc. that is considered to be the tough competitor for Apple Inc. announced an astonishing amount of $750 million for the organization. Apple Inc. qu ickly turned the decision from AdMob to Waltham (Mass.)-based Quattro Wireless, which is considered to be the closest competitor for AdMob (Burrows 28-34). However, in order to achieve business goals and maintain the competitive advantage, Apple Inc. defines its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure as: The primary objective is to lodge all the key stakeholders has been resolved Consolidated and Centralized ICT management with distributed activities Ease of Development and deployment of technologies Sharing information among different stake holders and to make them familiar with ICT Cost effective ("Shri Jagdamba Samiti") Moreover, apart from the ICT infrastructure, Apple Inc. also maintains a data warehouse containing valuable data that can facilitate advertisement business. Apple Inc. knows exactly the type of downloads requested from iTunes that may not be limited to apps, video, podcasts and comprehensive information of customers (Burrows 28-34). This upd ated customer knowledgebase enables the organization to customize its advertisement on the basis of the user preferences available in the database (Burrows 28-34). Moreover, Quattro’s ad-serving technology is also incorporated for gaining customer behavior patterns. This technology is also facilitating Netflix, Procter & Gamble and other global leaders. The customer behavior patterns provide circumstances for any customer who interacts with any one of the advertisement links or

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 15

Human Resource Management - Essay Example or recruiting able and established staff is very much there since every organization or company for that matter wants to achieve efficiency and effectiveness when it comes to getting the things done in a quick manner. There are instances when employees have been known to prolong things just because they do not feel to be in the mood to do so. This is a definitive statement on the part of the employees that they were recruited wrongly at the time of their hiring and the organization did indeed make a mistake in choosing such a worker over other options that were available to it all over the world. It has been seen that at times, the top line personnel present in offices delegate jobs and assignments to their sub-ordinates without even thinking that the same might not be the correct manner and mode of action as to go about carrying out the tasks and responsibilities. They think that delegation would prosper a sense of getting more work within the sub-ordinates who themselves are pretty much occupied with their already assigned tasks and jobs. This is hence not the correct manner in which things should be done and hence a need has to be chalked out to ramify the very same problem. The best possible diversity that could be made in this regard is to appoint top line managers who understand the psyche of the people working under him or her or on the same level as his so that he or she can get a grasp as to what employees usually are best suited at and what they do not prefer under certain strenuous conditions in the office place environment. As a consequence, being able to do more work is definitely considered a plus and an added advantage for an employee but this should not, under any level, exceed his or her capabilities and skill sets. He or she must be assigned the amount of work which is proportionate with his or her pay, already set working conditions and more so the skills on the basis of which he or she was selected in the first place. Diversity therefore could